Monday 7 November 2016

The Angels Share 2012- Ken Loach

The Angels Share 2012- Ken Loach

Image result for the angels share

The Angels Share is a comedy crime film. The protagonist, Robbie, essentially is inspired to find a way out of his life after nearly facing prison and having a child. He needs to prove himself to his girlfriend's family in order to keep his child and his girlfriend. Upon discovering whiskey, he realises that, that is his way out.
Image result for the angels share robbie

The film is based in Scotland and there are different ways in which this is shown in the film. One main way is through accents. All of the characters have a thick scottish accent showing that the film is based in Scotland and not about someone who has moved down from Scotland. Another way in which we can tell the film is based in Scotland, is the locations that are mentioned. Ken Loach effectively incorporates an obvious way of telling the audience where the film was based and comedy. He does this through Albert’s stupidity. This is effective in avoiding too much concentration on the location of the film to help the audience focus on the comedic side of the film.  

There are a few scenes of violence in the film. During these scenes, Ken Loach focuses on the weapon. One example of this is in the snooker room. Before any fight, the scene has a lot of focus on the snooker balls. This foreshadows what Robbie will use in the fight and similar ways in which he fights. When the men storm in, looking for a fight, the shot is then focused on Robbie picking up a snooker ball and sneaking it into his pocket. He then runs away. Another scene in which something similar happens is when Robbie discovers he is being followed by a gang member. The camera focuses on the knife that the gang member brought and then Robbie proceeds to threaten the other man with. This is effective in connoting the violence of the scene as vicious weapons are used. This in turn shows Robbie’s and the gangs hate towards each other as the weapons are extremely violent and can kill.
Image result for the angels share fight
Ken Loach uses his films to his to express British socialist realism. This is clear in The Angels Share. The issues that Robbie faces are the norm for many people who can’t afford a stable lifestyle. Robbie struggles to even get an interview for a job because of the scar on his face meaning that people make assumptions about him before even interviewing him. This happens frequently in Britain, not only with scars, but other body disfigurements such as piercings and tattoos. This prevents people from getting a job and earning a living for themselves. This issue can be seen in The Angels share and Loach successfully creates an image of struggle around Robbie because of his appearance, in turn, raising questions for the audience and the society they live in.

Ken Loach studied Law at Oxford University giving him oppurtunities to understand the issues of Britain, why they are happening and how it could be reformed. Ken Loach uses this in his film to effectively highlight issues that are going on in Britain.

1 comment:

  1. Good context used here which makes the writing instantly richer. Going forward a little background on the Director or other key contributors will show your ability to research. Great use of pictures to evidence the points that you are making. Well Done!
