Sunday 13 November 2016

Snatch 2000- Guy Ritchie

Snatch 2000- Guy Ritchie

Snatch is a crime comedy film. “Stealin’ stones and breakin’ bones”, the tag line, can sum up the film.  It is set in the criminal underworld of London.
Image result for snatch 2000

The film includes two intertwining plots. The two plots can be clearly understood separately for different reasons. One reason why Guy Ritchie effectively makes a clear separation of the plots is through the characters. One plot involves different foreign people and people of different religion. Examples of this are; American, Russian and Jewish. The different characters in this plot are presented through stereotypes. The Jewish people are wearing typical jewish hats and a portrayed in an almost racist stereotype of greedy for money. Also the events in the film are away from the majority of English people. This shows that they are outsiders of London society.

The other plot involves typical people of a london criminal underworld. The characters are also expressed by stereotypes. The travellers have thick accents and Turkish speaks about them in a way a typical Londoner would speak about them. They also live in caravans and end up moving away from the site to get away from the police.

Guy Ritchie’s first film; lock, stock and two smoking barrels include the same motifs such as friends involved in crime together and the sales of valuable goods. Snatch also has the same visual style as snatch and include similar actors.

Scenes that take place where the boxing and dog fights are darkly lit. The owner, brick top, has violent ways of getting his money and dealing with threats. His appearance is dirty and this can be portrayed in the boxing and dog fighting arena. For example, the walls look dirty and unclean, much like Brick top’s way of dealing with threats. The lighting in the scenes are dark, this can connote the mood of the scene. Turkish and Tommy are tense due to looming issues with Brick Top and the lighting creates that feeling for the audience.

1 comment:

  1. Lady Banner, this first half feels really well written and then you seem like you are in a rush to finish it? Watch your spelling and Capitalisation! You discuss some elements of mis en scene well and you also discuss the Directors previous work. How many elements of CCCEO have you used?
