Monday 10 October 2016

John Wick 2014- Chad Stahelski and David Leitch

John wick 2014- Chad Stahelski and David Leitch

John wick is an action-thriller film directed by Chad Stahelski and David Leitch. Whilst not being based on a true story, the two directors based the action scenes on anime and martial art films. The action scenes in the film are fast paced and are strategic. Every person in the fighting scene appears to be experienced fighters, they is also one large group of people fighting against John Wick connoting that this film includes gang violence. John Wick is a renowned assassin, the fact that he can fight against such a group shows the audience how skilled he is and the reason why he is so feared.

Throughout the duration of the film, John Wick, the protagonist, is trying to get revenge. The lighting in the film translates his dark aims. For example, a lot of the scenes take place in the night. The darkness in these multiple scenes helps to compliment the dark journey he goes through to get his journey. The darkness of the scenes can be linked to his mind. He appears to be in a state of blind anger, as if his mind is blank and that he is in a dark place, like the lighting.

During the shoot out in his house, there is rock music playing. The sound is non-diegetic. This is effective because the rock type music ties in with the theme of violence as, stereotypically, rock music is linked with violence. This is effective for the audience as the music adds more excitement to the fight, in turn, this speeds up the pace making it more thrilling for the audience.

During the fight scene in the club, the lighting is dark but there are different coloured lights that are red and blue. The red element to the lighting is effective in representing the blood and violence in the scene. Before there is any violence there is red lighting. This can foreshadow the events to come.

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