Monday 10 October 2016

Fish Tank 2009- Andrea Arnold

Fish Tank 2009- Andrea Arnold

The genre fish tank falls under is drama. The film includes multiples conflicts for the protagonists Mia therefore it is a drama. Fish tank is also a social realism as it shows the reality of poorer areas in the UK. Throughout the film there is theme of relationships. The theme of relationships is shown both positively and negatively.

For example, Mia and her mother's relationship is extremely broken. They both cannot keep a steady happy relationship as it always ends in arguments. The effects of their relationship effects Mia throughout the film. It makes Mia temperamental and has obviously had a detrimental to different aspects of her life. The negative side of the relationship theme appears to motivate Mia’s passion; Dancing. Despite not having a successful outcome, Mia tries to pursue a career in dancing whilst battling issues.

A way in which the theme of relationships is positive is through her relationship with Billy. It starts off rough when she tries to set his horse free but it soon develops into a good relationship and ultimately becomes her happy escape. We can see in the film that the relationship she has with different characters are broken and have deep issues either from the start or near the end of the film. Her relationship with Billy is different to her relationships that have a negative effect on her life. Billy is her mental escape and ends up being her escape from where she lives and her hard life.

The director creates meaning through the events Mia goes through. None have them have an ultimate end.

In Fish Tank, Arnold depicts her distressed, working class life before film making. The raw reality of the film can be thanks to Arnold's experiences, not just personal. Her latest film American Honey, is inspired by what Arnold saw during her travels to America. She states that America "Is a vast and complicated place with all kinds of contradictions". Her experiences and interpretations of her experiences are portrayed in her films.


  1. Good work, more information about the director could be included

  2. SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!! Never tell people what is going to happen unless you warn them first. Interesting but brief, you do not breakdown the full extent of the genre, you do not mention Connor, why? You do not mention the way in which the Director creates meaning and you do not discuss the micro features enough. Take a look at the Directors previous work are there any parallels there? Discuss the similarities and differences. CCCEO is the key to improving your writing.
