Wednesday 22 November 2017

Undefeated 2011- Daniel Lindsay and T.J. Martin Compared To Bowling For Columbine 2011- Michael Moore

Image result for bowling for columbine

Image result for undefeated documentary

Undefeated differs to the style of Bowling For Columbine. Lindsay and Moore document different topics in differing styles.

In Bowling For Columbine, Michael Moore uses a participatory style of documentary in order to show the audience the topic he is covering. Using the participatory style is effective for bowling for columbine because Michael Moore puts himself into the documentary and agitates the people he is interviewing. The topic is covers has had such a negative effect on society across America and people truly believe that having a gun is a safe thing. The way in which Moore agitates the interviewees effectively draws out answers to shock the audience and show them the effect a heavy gun society has on people that live within that society. During a lot of scenes within Bowling For Columbine, the camera is handheld and relatively shaky, this can show the audience that they are filming the majority of the time to give as much detail of the place surrounding them to show the impact of guns in America. A main focus of the documentary is the school shooting in Columbine High School, despite this, the topic of gun control leads onto many other events in America that was caused by loose gun laws.

Undefeated differs to this as the directors follows the journey of a football team in Manassas High School, rather the Moore's technique of the participatory style in Bowling For Columbine. In particular we follow the coach, Bill Courtney, and three students; O.C, Money and Chavis. This has a different effect than Bowling For Columbine. Even though we are following a journey of a football coach and three students, we are still shown by Daniel Lindsay and T.J. Martin what is like to be part of an elitist education system in a extremely area; inner city Memphis. In order to show the effect the school system that America has, the director's enable the audience to emotionally attach themselves to people that are struggling within that situation.  This is effective in ensuring the audience's emotional attachment and making the issues that are presented within Undefeated resonate within the viewer's mind.

1 comment:

  1. Lucy you lead well with the style of documentary that Bowling for Columbine is unfortunately this is missing for Undefeated. The elements of CCCEO seem missing in places, contextuality is key for your reader to understand where they are. in terms of the basis of this writing a comparative piece it may help to use specific topics or elements in both films that you can compare and contrast.
